Von der Aikikai Foundation anerkannter Fachverband für Aikido

25 Anniversary Takemusu Aikido Dortmund

In 1995 our Takemusu Aikido Dojo was founded by Dr. Rudolf Preuss.
With support from Martin Werner, Jutta Lawdig Preuss, Wolfram Walter, Michael Agner,
Udo and Katharina Potulski, Frank Oeste and many other Aikidokas our Dojo grew over the years.
We organized a lot of seminars primarily with Mark and Ute van Meerendonk and
Ulf Evenås, later than Dan Borg, Oleg Yakimov, Keith Olen Barger, Leif Palaschinski
and others. Now our Dojo is very active in the Takemusu Aikido Verband Deutschland.
To celebrate our anniversary, we invite all our Aikido friends to a seminar with

Ulf Evenas Sihan, 7. Dan Aikikai

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