International Seminar with Ulf Evenas Shihan 17 . - 19.9.2021
Under the highest security standards (2G and additional test) took place on the weekend of September 17th - 19th. an international meeting of Aikidokas from all over Europe took place.
One noticed the enthusiasm for Aikido and the need for sport when entering the old wooden gym behind the balou. Concentrated silence, interrupted by gasps and the rather dull hitting of bodies after falling on the mat. Many had gathered to practice martial arts together.
Aikidoka from all over Germany and Europe came to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Takemusu Aikido Club Dortmund. He is based in Dortmund - Brackel and operates the old wooden gym there. The seminar was led by Ulf Evenas, Shihan7.Dan Aikikai, Aikido Grand Master from Sweden.